Plastform d.o.o. has made a donation to Clinical Hospital “Sestre Milosrdnice”, clinic for oncology and nuclear medicine.

The company Plasform donated the necessary equipment for the work and functioning of the entire clinic to the oncology and nuclear medicine Clinic of the KBC “Sestre Milosrdnice”.

The donation was handed over on January 31, 2012. in KBC “Sestre Milosrdnice”. Academician Zvonko Kusić received the donation and thanked on behalf of all employees of KBC Sestra Milosrdnica.

“I am very happy that we were able to contribute and help clinic for oncology and nuclear medicine in acquiring equipment for work. We believe that this donation will contribute to easier and better work of the clinic to the satisfaction of the employees, as well as sick people who need help”- said Mr.Hrvoje Nenadić from Plastform.

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