The project was co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund



Plastform d.o.o. within the framework of the call for proposals “increasing the development of new products and services stemming from R & D activities – Phase II” from the Competitiveness and Cohesion Programme 2014-2020 is implementing a project entitled “Development and Research PASTOR compact EPS (F) Panel”. The project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund. The implementation of the project started on 5 March 2020 and the duration of the project is 42 months, i.e. until 5 September 2023. The industrial research phase runs from 5 March 2020 to 5 March 2023, and the experimental development phase will run from 5 March 2023 to 5 September 2023. The project partner is the Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Zagreb.

Project Summary: The project Development and Research PASTOR compact EPS F panels, implemented by PLASTFORM Ltd. and the Faculty of Civil Engineering Zagreb, is implemented in the thematic priority area S3 ENERGY and SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT, under-thematic priority area energy technology, systems and equipment and under-thematic priority area environmentally friendly technologies, equipment and advanced materials. The result of the project is A compact CEILING OF EPS F panels with improved thermal insulation and fire protection properties.

The activities of the project are:

  • Research into the relevant characteristics of the innovative EPS slab
  • Simulations of panel properties using numeric models
  • Investigation of the influence of ampoules to minimise flammability properties
  • Production of laboratory samples
  • Prototyping of PVC compact EPS F
  • Preparation of project documentation, technology procedures for serial production
  • Project Management
  • Publicity and visibility

Total value of the project: 16,257,168.60 HRK

Total eligible costs: HRK 14,419,475.68

Grant amount: HRK 10,269,870.73


You can find out more about the project itself at the link:

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